How Granite Is Quarried and Fabricated

How Granite Is Quarried and Fabricated

Granite is a stone naturally we all are aware of and it’s also made up of two natural phenomena ultra metamorphosis and crystal fractionation. The two of these processes involve warm and pressure that made volcanic magma (also referred to as granitic magma) to down within the layers of pre-existing metamorphic rocks from the plutonic region. It takes decades to make such tantalizing organic beauty that people generally known as granite stone. It’s not only its aesthetic beauty and also the robust structure beneath its surface which is as appreciable since it’s surface appearance.

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How Granite Is Fabricated

It was first Egyptian era that explored using granite as the elegant decorative stone about the exteriors with the building but that time granite was simply extracted and polished by rubbing them against the other person or using emery paper and water.

But as time passed and pyramid of Giza was discovered people became privy to this precious resource that is certainly distributed through out planet earth. People started digging out more info on granite stone and even some started quarrying the granite as their business but with the aid of heavy machinery and buffing tools extracted granite converted into a magnificent little bit of stone.

Today even the methodology for processing granite after quarrying is similar as in nineteen century though the advent of better technology made this work easier and efficient. All of the natural stones whether its granite or marble have unique colour combination because of the presence of certain particular compounds in various concentration however the refinement of such colours depends the achievements processed.

How Our Technologies are Contributing in Granite Processing

Because i told you earlier that granite manufacturers using several heavy machineries to boost the sweetness and excellence of quarried granite. Saws, polishing pads and routers etc are some of the commonly used equipments within this methodology. The entire processing of granite is essentially divided into different stages namely; dressing, slicing, polishing and edge trimming. Every stage possesses its own dedicated equipments and methodology.

– Its first stage is dressing that in some way use large hammers and dressing picks to help make the extracted granite stone clean fit. It just gives a rough contour around granite chunk before coming into next stage.

– Second stage is slicing where heavy machineries with diamond shaped saw are utilized to slice along the chunks of granite into standard size slabs so that they can often be processed and transported further.

– Polishing is third stage that also includes grinding of the company’s surface. This stage gives crowning glory to granite stone using the buffing pads and makes its surface shiny and smooth.

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